F**k You Depression
Before you get into the depths of this post, a few housekeeping items... There is explicit language. You will not laugh (unless you're a cruel human). You might be triggered. If you are, know that you are not alone. If you need to talk, I can offer an understanding ear. I understand people experience things differently and hope that you, too, can understand this. If you have experienced depression and your experience was/is different than this... please be gentle with your words. Fuck You Depression Like a first black, then green, Kansas sky before a tornado touches down Your tentacles stretch out and envelope my mind. Like the calm ocean before a hurricane strikes My soul acknowledges the uselessness of its entirety. And much like the once solid ground before the earthquake My body shatters from the innermost points of itself. Try as I might, I cannot stop it from coming. Fuck you depression. You're the friend I wish would go away. You rob ...