This 30-something-year-old's Top 20 Life Lessons

  1. No matter how much control you attempt to force into your life, you will never be able to control everything. Stop trying. Now.
  2. You really are perfectly made, despite any flaws you see. Quit trying to be You_2.0.
  3. Love yourself. Period.
  4. Life moves at a swift place. Take time daily to appreciate moments, even if they seem trivial. You can never get those moments back, no matter how hard you try.
  5. Be authentic in everything you do. People recognize and appreciate realness. This character trait is very important in a world driven by virtual relationships.
  6. Put down the damn phone.  Disconnect. It's ok. You will survive without it, I promise.
  7. Single-task. Focus your complete attention on what you're doing and give that one thing your all.
  8. Be a motivator. Encourage. Believe in others and yourself.
  9. Forgive. It may take time, but forgive those who have wronged you. Harboring ill feelings is hard on your body and your mind. When you're ready, you'll know it and you'll be able to give forgiveness.
  10. Accept. Everyone is uniquely made, as it should be. Learn about people, their background, cultures, orientations, beliefs, and more so you can understand who they are. Accept and embrace differences.
  11. Don't take life (or yourself) so seriously that you forget to have fun. It's okay to laugh at yourself if you make a mistake, really. Everybody does it.
  12. Be financially independent. Never become so financially dependent on a partner that you don't have a backup plan. Always save for a rainy day because you never know when that umbrella will be needed.
  13. Screw the Jones's. You don't need to keep up with anyone's expectations except your own.
  14. If something isn't working, refactor. Evaluate the situation, see where the issue is, and make modifications accordingly. (aka: remix, refactor, change)
  15. Surround yourself with people who are smarter than you are, so you can keep learning. Be curious and ask questions. They'll fill in the blanks.
  16. Know yourself. Intimately. Check in with yourself regularly to make sure you are in touch with who you really are.
  17. Recognize how important your friends, family, and support system are. If you don't have solid friends, go find your tribe. Don't settle here.
  18. Face your fears. Let them motivate you instead of paralyzing you. You will grow the most mentally, emotionally, and spiritually this way.
  19. Know that life is hard. Accept that life is hard. You are strong, though. You will persevere. You will not break.
  20. Practice kindness in all that you do. The words you say are more impactful than you could ever imagine they would be. Make sure they're exceptional.


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