
Showing posts from April, 2017

Soul Fulfilling Saturday

Today, is Saturday.  On Saturdays, I choose to refuel and reboot my soul.  This image shows the primary methods I choose to find fulfillment. How do you spend your Saturdays?  Do you refuel and reboot, too?  Thinking about leaving me a note, but hesitating? Today is the day. Drop a quick note below. Do it now!  Cheers! - S

This 30-something-year-old's Top 20 Life Lessons

No matter how much control you attempt to force into your life, you will never be able to control everything . Stop trying. Now. You really are perfectly made, despite any flaws you see. Quit trying to be You_2.0 . Love yourself . Period. Life moves at a swift place. Take time daily to appreciate moments , even if they seem trivial. You can never get those moments back, no matter how hard you try. Be authentic in everything you do. People recognize and appreciate realness. This character trait is very important in a world driven by virtual relationships. Put down the damn phone.  Disconnect . It's ok. You will survive without it, I promise. Single-task . Focus your complete attention on what you're doing and give that one thing your all. Be a motivator . Encourage. Believe in others and yourself. Forgive . It may take time, but forgive those who have wronged you. Harboring ill feelings is hard on your body and your mind. When you're ready, you...

Remixing Life

I thought it was about time to talk about this remix on life. Have you ever assessed your life to see if you're traveling along the expected trajectory? Or analyzed the course you're on to understand if it's continuing to bring you happiness? We may do this in small bits, but it's difficult for most of us to evaluate life as a whole and then begin making changes if we feel we have veered off course somehow. Let's say you're involved in an activity such as a co-ed softball league, bowling team, or maybe even fantasy football league. You've been involved with the team(s) for years and you used to get a lot of enjoyment out of it. Now, you find it's a chore to get to practice, the time commitment has become burdensome, or you've completely lost your passion for it. Do you continue with the activity because you feel committed to it or do you eliminate it in order to re-establish joy and balance in your life? This is a small bit of life that you ...

Putting Corporate America in the Rearview

You may think I just blew up my life, but I see things differently. A bold move? No doubt. A move that had been coming for years? Probably. A decision that I made lightly? No way. Throwing my life away? Absolutely not. Years ago, I needed a job. A job that was secure. A job that provided steady income. A job that challenged me. A job that I could feel proud of. A job that allowed me to provide for my daughter. I mean, isn't that what we're all looking for anyway? Over time, I needed something more. I needed a career. But I still didn't know what I wanted to be when I "grew up". <Enter Dilemma> After years of working hard in my j-o-b to understand process, business needs, and persevering despite obstacles, I landed my first gig as a Business Analyst. Ohhhh, hello there, gorgeous! *fans face, bats eyes* We had a torrid love affair... Business Analysis and I. The kind of affair that makes you forget anyone or anythin...

Are you ready?!

Hey there, gorgeous. Oh wait, perhaps that's a bit too forward for our first meeting. Let me try that again. Hi, sweets. Still too much? Hmmmm... Ok. Third try's the charm. Yo! What's up!? Yeahhh , not getting ANY better. Ha! Oh well, we're diving head first into this blog post, proper introductions or not! Are you wondering what you've gotten yourself into yet? If not, hang tight... It'll come. * Ahem * Hi. Hello there. ¡Hola! I'm Shauna, aka Mom, aka Wonder Woman, aka Hot Mess who might have just blew up her life Dwyer. And I'm really, I mean REALLY , glad you stopped by for a chat. I believe I have a lot to offer you. I also believe I have a lot to learn from you. Let's see if we can make this a beautiful partnership, shall we? Are you nodding your head? Please be nodding your head! So, how does a beautiful partnership work between blogger and consumer of said blog? Blogger blogs. Consumer consumes. Blogger ...